Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

S3E54: Mama Untriggered: Shedding the Burden of Trauma Through Radical Self-Honesty

What if everything you thought would free you from childhood trauma has actually been keeping you stuck?

According to Stephana, most survivors search in vain for the key that will unlock their suffering. They look to books, scroll social media, or ask others for the answer. But the real path to freedom starts within. It begins by confronting what lives inside you - your deepest, most avoided feelings.

As counterintuitive as it sounds, leaning into difficult emotions is what enables their transformation. By telling the whole truth about your experience and receiving all that surfaces with compassion, you reconnect to your wholeness. Stefana explains why this act of inner listening holds the gifts and messages that make transcendence possible.

She describes her own journey as a trauma survivor and mother determined to break destructive cycles. Though facing the past proved excruciating, over time the truth set her free. Now she raises her children with that same fierce love - committed to instilling the tools for emotional intelligence early on.

If you take just one thing from this conversation, let it be this:

- Learn why you must bravely excavate your inner world to resolve past wounds
- Discover how all feelings contain profound teachings when held in the light
- Understand the self-trust required to stop seeking external fixes
- Implement a simple mindfulness practice to anchor yourself amidst motherhood
- Gain hope that with compassion and courage, we can all rewrite even the most painful stories

"When we're searching under the rocks, when we're looking in every book when we're looking out there, we're missing what needs to be really confronted. And that's what's inside us, what we're really feeling."

Through Stephana's words, may you find the permission and guidance to finally care for the hurt child within. There is no burden we cannot alchemize when we tend our own souls with gentleness.

To learn more about this and other episodes, visit home.mendedmamalife.ca/blog

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